Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Storm Trooper Animation Reference

This is some animation reference that I shot of some friends from work and myself trying to do the stunt for the storm trooper sequence. I used a rope tied to a back pack to get the force of impact as if he was being shot. First in the leg and then in the shoulder. The run was also chosen for it's dynamic qualities - there is a small hop step that I saw in the reference that breaks up the monotony of a run cycle. I think this fits well when he slows himself down by a slight lean backwards as he comes to a stop.

It took a few attempts to get something dynamic and interesting. We developed it into this sequence 1) running to a stop 2) shot in the leg and start to collapse straight down 3) shot in the shoulder which causes a spin while being thrown backwards.

Doing this was extremely fun, and not only that, the final result is way better than if I hadn't done any reference or planning. I always find it a compliment when someone asks if it's motion capture.

Here are some planning drawings that were extracted from the footage. I then used these drawings to set up my key frames.
I did pose to pose animation from the start up until the second laser blast, after which I did straight forward animation. I found this gave the fall a natural "haphazard" feel to it.

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