Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Morphius Project 2.0

The animation community are a bunch of awesome people. At the Morpheus Project they are making a character (feature film quality) that anyone can customize in a way that is unrecognizable, check out the different variations below from the one character...

On top of all this, it's going to be completely free for noncommercial and commercial use. How awesome is that!!
Morpheus 2.0 is going to be even better, check it out here.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Rokk Mann - "The Making of"

I'm hoping to make a complete version of the making of once the film is all done... It's all due in a few days and I'm very excited to have it finished.
The planning for ideas, character dev, and the shoot took 3 months;
The shoot took 2 days;
The production took about 2 months;
And post production about 2 weeks.