Tuesday, December 20, 2011

AnimSchoolBlog: AnimSchool Webcast: Tom Bancroft, Part 1

AnimSchoolBlog: AnimSchool Webcast: Tom Bancroft, Part 1: Last Tuesday, AnimSchool hosted a live webcast with 2D Animator, Tom Bancroft. In Part One of this webcast, Tom reviews his over 25 years ...

I chucked this up so I can remember to watch it later.

Sunday, December 04, 2011

Week 5 - Basic Foundations - Anticipation and Squash and Stretch

Anticipation is the father of squash and stretch. So in this weeks assignment we did a bouncing ball go through an obstacle course with squash and stretch. We had to show our planning and do another Stu pose showing devastation.

Planning of the ball squash and stretch.

Planning Poses for Devastation.

Week 4 - Basic Foundation - Introduction to Timing and Spacing

Timing and spacing... such a big topic. I don't think you quite get this unless you've animated. This is what an animator will constantly think about 100% of the time while animating. No wonder they're a crazy bunch.
This week we had to animate a heavy ball and a light ball coming to a complete stop within 60-120 frames and thumbnail sketching of your plan. No Stu pose this week.

Planning for the bounces. The sketch on the right is side ways.