The company I work for usually creates animated story boards and previsualizations for TV commercials. Here is what a finished TV commercial looks like after the long process of conception, story boarding, animating the story boards (animatics), and finally production of the final commercial...
This small piece (above), re-created by the company I worked for, was for their Show Reel.
So in a nutshell, we made the animatic, another company made the real commercial that got played on TV, then we re-made it to see if we could do it. I think we pulled it off.
I did all animation in these 2 scenes. I also animated the foam in PFlow which were tweaked later on.
I also did some rigging work on the bubbles.
A very talented artist, Ken, initially rigged the bubbles. So it's the results of his rig you see pulling the bubbles around. I was asked by the TD to re-rig it to see if I could improve it in any way.... Well 2 rigs later we have a pretty solid rig.
So here is a very boring snippet if anyone is interested in the rig.